23 February 2025

10 Easter Eggs from the Fallout series


Video games being adapted to TV or film is a risky decison. For every Last of Us there is the original Super Mario film and for every Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia there is Liam Hemsworth and Geralt of Rivia. The Fallout series on Amazon however has taken the world by storm. Making Fallout 4 the most played game in Europe besides coming out back in 2015.

Like in video games the creators of the show have hidden easter eggs throughout. Here are 10 of the ones I spotted. *minor spoilers ahead*

Thumbs Up

The thumbs up symbol seen at multiple points through the series and game from the Vault-Boy. The idea is that if your thumb covers the mushroom cloud of a nukes blast you will be ok and if it doesn’t you won’t. The Ghoul before he became a ghoul was a western actor called Cooper Howard who learnt the thumbs up trick in the military. While appearing in a Vault-tec commercial he hits the iconic pose.

-Bethesday, Amazon

Bonus easter egg-His iconic colours were blue and yellow which inspired the Vault suits.

Atomic Command

Norm MacLean is seen at one point playing Atomic Command on his pip-boy. The video games within a video games played through the pip-boy were first seen in Fallout 4.

-Pip-boy app

Nuked Fridge

One of Maximus’s flashbacks shows him leaving the safety of a fridge before being saved by the Brotherhood of Steel. Indiana Jones protected himself from an atomic blast in a fridge, there is an easter egg to this in Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 has a mission where you find a ghoulified kid in a fridge who you can then return to his parents.

-Bethesda, Amazon

Broken Water Chip

While Lucy is out there biting fingers off, discovering cults and making ass jerky there is trouble on the homefront. The water chip in Vault 33 has been damaged and has a finite time left. The very first Fallout game sets the character known as The Vault Dweller, on a quest from Vault 13 out in the wastes to find a replacement water chip.

Super-Duper Mart

The Super-Duper Mart makes numerous appearances in the Fallout franchise. Fallout 3 has the most iconic, where you enter one taken over by raiders as part of Moira Brown’s Wasteland Survival Guide missions.


Editors note-Matt Berry is everything I want to be in this world.

Matt Berry of IT Crowd, Toast of London and What We Do in the Shadows fame makes an appearance as on of Coopers friends and fellow actor. He sells the rights to his voice for the Mister Handy robots. His last name in the show is Codsworth an easter egg to the Sole Survivors pre-war robot butler of the same name.

-Fallout 4

Tesla Magazine #7

The 7th edition of this magazine that improves your energy weapon damage. This edition of #7 seen in the show is also in Fallout 4 in the HalluciGen building. The magazine is entitiled ‘U.S Army Goes to Space’.

-Fallout Wiki

Hacking Mini-Game

The Fallout game has an odd hacking mini-game. The game involves you trying out random words until you can work out which is the correct one…written down like that it sounds terrible. But it works. When Norm hacks into the Overseers computer this mechanic shows up.

-Fallout Wiki

Mr Robert House

Mr House is one of the primary characters of Fallout New Vegas. A wealthy tech mogul with a desire for power he has a hidden securitron army ready to cement his status in the post-apocalyptic world. He appeared in the secret meeting at Vault-tec alongside a representitive from West-Tek and RobCo. He is too big of a character not to return in season 2 especially with the next easter egg being…

New Vegas

…how lucky can one guy be, to have a live action version of New Vegas to look forward to. Big SPOILER ahead, the final scene of the series shows Hank overlooking the shining beacon in the Mojave Wasteland known as the New Vegas Strip. Controlled and protected by Mr House. Fallout New Vegas is regarded as the best game in the series by far, so to see that world brought to life will be insane.

What other easter eggs did you notice?

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