20 October 2024

Vampire the Masquerade species


In Vampire: The Masquerade, vampires, also known as Kindred, are divided into various species, each with its unique traits, disciplines (powers), weaknesses, and cultural backgrounds. Here’s an overview of the main vampire species, known as Clans.


-Frowned Upon

The Brujah are often portrayed as passionate rebels and iconoclasts, embodying themes of anarchy, revolution, and defiance. They are known for their fiery tempers and strong sense of justice, often rallying against oppression and injustice.

Disciplines: Potence (superhuman strength), Celerity (enhanced speed), Presence (charismatic aura).

Weakness: The Brujah are prone to frenzy more easily than other Clans when provoked or angered.

Gangrel: Not the WWE legend

-Frowned Upon

The Gangrel are closely connected to their animalistic nature and the wilderness. They are nomadic and often prefer solitude, forming close bonds with animals and the natural world. Gangrel are known for their primal instincts and ferocity in combat.

Disciplines: Animalism (control over animals), Protean (shapeshifting abilities), Fortitude (enhanced resilience).

Weakness: The Gangrel develop animalistic features when they frenzy, potentially losing control over their appearance.


-Frowned Upon

Malkavians are infamous for their madness, each member of the Clan afflicted with a unique form of insanity known as the Malkavian Madness Network. Despite their apparent lunacy, Malkavians possess keen insight and cryptic wisdom, often speaking in riddles.

Disciplines: Auspex (heightened senses and perception), Dementation (ability to induce madness), Obfuscate (ability to conceal oneself).

Weakness: Malkavians are cursed with their Madness Network, which can manifest in unpredictable and disruptive ways.

Nosferatu: The original bloodsucker

-Frowned Upon

The Nosferatu are grotesque and hideous in appearance, cursed with monstrous features that render them repulsive to mortal eyes. However, they excel in stealth and subterfuge, often serving as spies and information brokers within vampire society.

Disciplines: Animalism (control over vermin), Obfuscate (ability to conceal oneself), Potence (superhuman strength).

 Weakness: The Nosferatu are disfigured to the extent that they cannot blend in with human society without significant effort, making social interactions difficult and nigh on impossible, to beat the game as Nosferatu is like its very own very hard mode.


-Frowned Upon

The Toreador are decadent and hedonistic, deeply immersed in art, beauty, and culture. They are passionate and emotional, often pursuing aesthetic experiences and indulging in artistic endeavours. Picture Lestat from Interview with a Vampire and you’ve got it.

Disciplines: Auspex (heightened senses and perception), Celerity (enhanced speed), Presence (charismatic aura).

Weakness: The Toreador are easily enraptured by beauty and art, becoming distracted or entranced by aesthetic stimuli.


-Frowned Upon

 The Tremere are a secretive and scholarly Clan, originally formed by usurping the power of ancient blood magic. They are organised and hierarchical, with a focus on occult knowledge and magical mastery.

Disciplines: Auspex (heightened senses and perception), Dominate (mental manipulation), Thaumaturgy (blood magic).

Weakness: The Tremere are bound by the blood bond more strongly than other Clans, making it difficult for them to resist the commands of those they are bonded to.

Ventrue: Opposite of the Nosferatu

-Frowned Upon

The Ventrue are aristocratic and regal, often portrayed as the rulers and leaders of vampire society. They possess a sense of entitlement and sophistication, valuing lineage, tradition, and status.

 Disciplines: Dominate (mental manipulation), Fortitude (enhanced resilience), Presence (charismatic aura).

Weakness: The Ventrue are cursed with a limited palate, unable to feed on certain types of blood without suffering negative consequences. Rats and people of a lower class are to be avoided.


The Assamites are skilled assassins and mercenaries, originating from the Middle East. They are known for their mastery of the Discipline of Quietus, which allows them to manipulate blood in lethal ways.

Disciplines: Celerity (enhanced speed), Obfuscate (ability to conceal oneself), Quietus (blood magic).

Weakness: The Assamites are cursed with a blood addiction, requiring them to regularly consume the vitae of other vampires to maintain their own powers.

These Clans form the core species of vampires in Vampire: The Masquerade, each offering players a unique perspective and set of abilities to explore within the World of Darkness. Where in the Kindred society do you fall?

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