15 October 2024

Ted DiBiase on Virgil “wish he had more wrestling savvy”


The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase has spoken on ‘Everybody’s got a pod’ about his former kayfabe bodyguard Virgil. 

Virgil, real name, Michael Jones who up until recently was though to have died at age 61. According to close family and friends he was actually 72. 

Ted DiBiase has spoken at great lengths about his friend since his passing. He wished that Virgil had more wrestling savvy. 

Ted DiBiase said “oh gosh I was really sad to hear that, Mike had this incredible body and kept himself in incredible shape.”

“we did a thing where Virgil got tired of all of my crap and we ended up having a one-off match. I just wish he had more wrestling savvy, if he could’ve really wrestled, we could have had a good run.

“Good old virgil he didn’t have the charisma, so it was over before it really started”.

Ted DiBiase then spoke about the years after their initial WWE run together. 

“We continued to be friends and I would see him at comic-cons. I said to him one time going forward if we get booked at any conventions together, please come sit with me.”

Allegedly Virgil would book appearances from both himself and the Million Dollar Man without DiBiase knowing. He would then show up to the event and pretending Ted just couldn’t make it. 

“I stopped that when I found out some things Virgil said to some fans that wasn’t right”.

DiBiase still helped out his old friend though “when I went to WCW they had all these people coming over and wrestlers were taking over. So you needed security. I said what better security could I have than the guy who was my security for so many years”.

“He would never say to me he was struggling”.

I said in my previous story announcing his death “Rest in peace, Virgil your very strange legacy will live on.” Which is even more of a truer statement…he lied about his age for decades. 

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